* If you want to use a factory object, you will have to instanciate an
* object with the appropriate parameters, and then to use the "toString"
* method, as the display method is inacurate in this case.
// Initialise the HTML4 Table rendering (see Var_Dump/Renderer/HTML4_Table.php)
$myVarDump = & Var_Dump::factory(
'display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table'
'show_caption' => FALSE,
'bordercolor' => '#DDDDDD',
'bordersize' => '2',
'captioncolor' => 'white',
'cellpadding' => '4',
'cellspacing' => '0',
'color1' => '#FFFFFF',
'color2' => '#F4F4F4',
'before_num_key' => '<font color="#CC5450"><b>',
'after_num_key' => '</b></font>',
'before_str_key' => '<font color="#5450CC">',
'after_str_key' => '</font>',
'before_value' => '<i>',
'after_value' => '</i>'
* Displays an array
echo '<h2>Array</h2>';
$linkedArray=array('John', 'Jack', 'Bill');
'key-1' => 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog',
'key-2' => 234,
'key-3' => array(
'key-3-1' => 31.789,
'key-3-2' => & $linkedArray,
'file' => $fileHandler
'key-4' => NULL
echo $myVarDump->toString($array);
* Displays an object (with recursion)
echo '<h2>Object (Recursive)</h2>';
class parent {
function parent() {
$this->myChild = new child($this);
$this->myName = 'parent';
class child {
function child(&$parent) {
$this->myParent =& $parent;
$recursiveObject=new parent();
echo $myVarDump->toString($recursiveObject);
* Displays a classic object
echo '<h2>Object (Classic)</h2>';
class test {
var $foo=0;
var $bar="";
function get_foo() {
return $this->foo;
function get_bar() {
return $this->bar;
$object=new test();
echo $myVarDump->toString($object);
* Displays a variable using the display() method
echo '<h2>Var_Dump::display()</h2>';
echo '<p>Singleton method, uses the default configuration parameters for the rendering, because we are not using the previously instanciated object</p>';